Baptism (or Christening) is the means by which we become members of Christ’s Church. It is the special way that Christ gave us to unite us to Himself, and it is a powerful and joyful sign of God’s love for us, and our response to that love. For that reason it is something we ask you to take seriously, whether you are the parent of a child to be Baptised, or an adult candidate.
Parents and Godparents of children, or adult candidates themselves, make solemn promises to God in the course of the Baptism service: and to follow Christ. These are the ways in which we respond to the call of God: the ways in which all Christian people grow in faith. That is why at least one parent should have been Baptised, and so should all Godparents, who will help to guide their Godchildren in the way of faith.
We do not charge any fee for Baptisms but encourage the families to make some donation, according to their ability, towards the maintenance of the Church.
Baptisms are generally on a Sunday afternoon, although they can also be arranged during the 10 a.m. Mass on a Sunday morning.
Please contact Parish Administrator Martin Hill on t: 07756 736 548 e: to make a booking.